

The best way to get started is to attend a meeting or event.  Leaders will share more about scouting, our pack, and plans for the upcoming year.  You can meet your child's pack and den leaders, ask questions, and check us out. Contact Cubmaster Jared Hansberry at with with any questions about getting started with the pack.


Each year Pack 673 spends around $23,000 to bring our program to our almost 60 Scouts and their families. This includes all belt loops, pins, badges, den leader supplies, Pinewood Derby cars, Raingutter Regatta Boats (or Space Derby Rockets), camping fees, Winter Day costs, Crossover/Blue & Gold expenses, rank neckerchiefs, and other supplies or events that happen at Pack meetings -- as well as our dues to BSA National and Council organizations who provide wider scouting resources such as leader training, insurance, camping facilities and curriculum.

In order to cover these costs, we charge dues and earn money through Popcorn sales. Only a small portion of the dues you pay actually goes back to the Pack. Here is a break down of the dues:

For New Scouts:

National & Council Dues: $140

One-Time New Scout: $25

Pack Dues: $0

Total Cost: $165

Optional Scout Life Subscription $15

For Returning Scouts:

National & Council Dues: $140

One-Time New Scout: $0

Pack Dues: $30

Total Cost: $170

Optional Scout Life Subscription $15


And POPCORN is a HUGE way to support the Pack! This is where the Pack earns most of the money for Pack activities. For those scouts who sell $700 of popcorn, a $60 refund from the Council goes back to YOUR pocket - in addition to the Popcorn Party and other prizes for your Scout at that Top Seller level.

We look forward to having your scout in Pack 673 on our adventures!

Option #1: Online Payment and Application

1. New Scouts Only: Complete the BSA Youth Application Form 

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The BSA requires new scouts registering online to pay National fee ($75) and one time registration fee ($25) up front. The $25 one time fee will be deducted from your Pack dues. 

2. Everyone: Pay Pack Dues Online by September 30th or 30 days after joining.

We have an easy way to pay dues online through an organization called GiveButter:

Simply select how many new or returning Scouts you will have in the Pack this year, and then complete the next page. Credit card fees will be assessed.

Please contact our treasurer Chris Bayon ( to inquire about Pack Scholarships.

3. Everyone: Complete the Medical Form Parts A & B

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Type the information into this fillable PDF and save for future use, as BSA requires parents to complete a new waiver and medical form every year in order for scouts to participate in activities.

4. Everyone: Medical Insurance Card. Provide a copy of the front & back of your scout’s medical insurance card.

5. Everyone: Drop off your completed Medical Forms and a copy of the Insurance Card at your next Den meeting to your Den Leader, or at a Pack Meeting to Committee Chair, Jason Hays.

Option #2: Paper Application and Payment by Check

1. New Scouts Only: Complete the BSA Youth ApplicationApplication

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Print Page 3 and complete the upper portion.

2. Everyone: Pay Pack Dues by September 30th or 30 days after joining.

Make checks payable to: Pack 673. Please contact our treasurer Chris Bayon ( to inquire about Pack Scholarships.

3. Everyone: Complete the Medical Form Parts A & B

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Type the information into this fillable PDF and save for future use, as BSA requires parents to complete a new waiver and medical form every year in order for scouts to participate in activities.

4. Everyone: Medical Insurance Card. Provide a copy of the front & back of your scout’s medical insurance card.

5. Everyone: Drop off your completed Medical Forms and a copy of the Insurance Card at your next Den meeting to your Den Leader, or at a Pack Meeting to Committee Chair, Jason Hays.